Kidical Mass Family Bike Ride Reading

Join Kidical Mass on Saturday 17th February at 2pm for a short group-led ride, starting and finishing at Elms Field. This ride will be chilly but fun, so bring gloves and a smile for some cycling fun and to show others we want safe active travel routes all year round! What is Kidical Mass? Kidical […]

RCC Open Meeting – Share you views on Reading’s Transport Strategy 2040

RISC 35-39 London St, Reading

Our next Open Meeting will be on Wednesday 21st February (7:30pm) at RISC, London Street. This is a chance to give your views on Reading's Transport Strategy to 2040 and what you think the priorities are to make Reading a cycle-friendly town and get more people cycling.  Reading Council has published its draft strategy here […]

Critical Mass Reading

A leisurely paced group bike ride around town to highlight the presence of bikes in Reading. Meet outside the Civic Offices at 19.30 Whether you are a diehard lifelong cycling activist, or just want to try something different and meet new people, everyone is welcome. Many people come alone, so don't be shy. It's a […]