Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

Reading Borough Council Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) 2020-2030 was developed in partnership with Wokingham and West Berkshire Councils and is a sub-strategy to the emerging Reading Transport Strategy 2036. The LCWIP sets out ambitious plans to transform our streets and encourage more people to choose cycling and walking for local journeys, or as part of longer multi-modal journeys.

Read the full plan here: Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (reading.gov.uk)

Various user groups and forums are available to facilitate engagement and discussion with members of the public and stakeholders around a number of topics. These channels continue to play a vital role in the ongoing development and delivery of the LCWIP.

Forums relevant to RCC and the delivery of the LCWIP

• The Cycling Forum, where Councillors and members of cycling organisations discuss the implementation of better cycling facilities to make Reading a more cycle-friendly town

• The Cleaner Air and Safer Transport Forum (CAST), which provides opportunities to engage with a broad spectrum of local interest groups in relation to the Climate Change and transport agenda, acting as a constant and valuable channel of communication.

RCC participates in both of these forums.

Specific Traffic Management Measures are requested at the Cycling Forum Meetings. These are with reference to Appendix G of the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan: Prioritised list of cycling and walking measures. See: Briefing Note Template (reading.gov.uk)

Here is the latest progress report:

Please contact us if you have any suggestions, feedback or would like a pdf of the report >>