Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

  1. To campaign for better facilities for cyclists in Reading, in particular a network of safe cycleways linking residential, industrial and commercial areas, and giving access to the town centre.
  2. To work with Sustrans, the Cyclists’ Touring Club (both locally and nationally) and others interested in promoting cycling and the wellbeing of cyclists.
  3. To identify the needs of cyclists in Reading, and to campaign for their provision.
  4. To work with and advise local authorities and, where necessary, criticise and highlight their shortcomings.

We will achieve this by:

a) Protecting cyclists’ rights:

  • To cycle safely and conveniently to any destination in Reading
  • To be regarded as a vehicle (current Road Traffic Act) and therefore to use the carriageway, unless specifically banned e.g. a motorway

b) Campaigning to improve cycling infrastructure:

  • While every cyclist has the right to the above, many will not wish to use very heavily trafficked roads, junctions or roundabouts; where these occur, continuous, direct cycle routes should be provided in order to encourage cycling in Reading
  • Cycle routes that are separate from roads used by motorised vehicles should be separated from the latter by a verge. If pedestrians are to use this route as well, they should have their own pathway e.g. a raised pavement. Shared pavements should be avoided to prevent conflict with pedestrians and enable cyclists to proceed at their normal speed. We do not condone cycling on pavements
  • When these cycle routes rejoin the carriageway there should be adequate facilities for cyclist to do so legally and safely.
  • Advanced Stop Lines for cyclist should be incorporated at popular junctions where cyclists need to turn right
  • Adequate and secure cycle parking should be provided at major destinations

c) Influencing local government transport policy:

  • Whenever a new road scheme is planned, the needs of cyclists should be incorporated at the beginning of the scheme and not as an afterthought.
  • A 20mph speed limit should be set on all residential roads and in the centre of town.

d) Encourage education and awareness

  • Campaign for adult cycle training schemes.
  • Encourage green travel plans for Reading organisations.