As a committee, we decided to spread a bit of Christmas cheer by revealing what we would like to receive from Santa. Here are the results:
Dear Mr White Van driver, please show some respect for other road users, especially bikes and pedestrians. We all have the same right to use the road as you do. Some of us are slower than you and you need to wait behind us until there is a safe space to overtake. Just as you would overtake a slow moving car or tractor. You need to leave at least 1.5 meters between the bike and your van, that means you cannot overtake on a single carriage way with oncoming traffic. Your horn is to alert in case of danger, not to force bike out of the way because you are in a hurry.
Stuart Ward
I would like a Purley-Pangbourne cycle track for Christmas. Currently the connecting bridle ways are mud baths and the A329 is dangerous for cyclists. An all-weather track with lighting would be very much appreciated.
Duncan Cook
I have been a very good boy this year and as I have a shiny new bike, the thing I would most like for Christmas is a decent road to ride it on. So please Santa could you resurface Kendrick Road and while you are at it, could you take away the horrid road humps that allow the cars to speed down the middle of the road but get in my way all the time.
Joe Edwards (aged 79)
My wish list contribution is for a decent accessible bridge over the Kennetmouth (i.e. to replace the Horseshoe bridge).
Sam Hatfield
“What I would like for Christmas is for Oxford Road to be fully resurfaced so that it’s fit for cycling. I would then roll into town with no shakes or rattles”.
Keith Elliott
Jingle bells for my handlebars.
Cheers, John Lee
I wish for a year of considerate drivers – who treat me as if it was their own child/ partner/ parent or grandparent on the bike ahead of them!!
Karen Robertson

These are gloves I got last year, and are great at night because they’re warm and keep you dry, but really visible if you’re indicating.

And I’ve just ordered some reflective stickers for the bike which is

And finally these special panniers have made a huge difference to my work commute – I cycle to the station and lock my bike up there and the panniers are really annoying to carry on the tube and walk to the office, this clips on to my panniers and becomes a rucksack:¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhn7rsGVmFukT7kHjGlDws-mIdSASGvi5p0s46ykZR3SRMMs53Titd2hoCs18QAvD_BwE
Kat Heath
Somewhere secure to park my bike in Reading.
Susan Children
Take out all the side car parking along Oxford Road and create a proper car park, like they have in School Road, Tilehurst. Then use the space for proper width cycle lanes. No risk of car dooring, drivers turning out as you approach, and pedestrians rushing out in front of you without looking. The only remaining hazard would be the bus stops…
Alice Elliott
Personally: Some heated cycling gloves as my fingers get very cold on my commute. Generally: For Wokingham Borough Council to install a piece of LTN 1/20 compliant cycle infrastructure. The first step is the hardest and once that is done, I’m hopefully the rest will follow.
Alex Cran
Lastly, consider investing in a secure parking facility or garage, especially if you live in an area with high rates of car theft or vandalism. While this may incur an additional cost, the added security and peace of mind can be well worth it, particularly for those who own valuable or high-risk vehicles.