Image of cyclist at night

It’s still dark out there…


Don’t forget that between sunset and sunrise, you must have a clean and working white front light. This can be a steady light or can flash.

A lamp displaying a red light must be fitted to the rear of the cycle. It can show a steady light or can flash.

Flashing lights must flash at a steady rate of between 60 and 240 times per minute and have a minimum intensity of 4 candela.

A red reflector must be fitted to the rear of the cycle.

Amber pedal reflectors must be fitted to the front and rear edges of each pedal unless the cycle was manufactured before 1 October 1985.

For additional safety we recommend wearing reflective clothing.

Here’s some information from Cycling UK:

The days are getting longer, but a low sun can still make it difficult for drivers to see cyclists. The same for dappled country roads once the trees have their leaves. To increase your personal safety, just keep your lights on.

Buyer’s guides

Choosing a light? Check out these cycle lighting reviews:

Department of Transport Guidance

If you’d like more information, go to the Government guidance on legislation around lights and reflectors on pedal cycles.

1 thought on “It’s still dark out there…

  1. Sadly the people on 2 wheels wearing dark clothing and whizzing about on those electric bikes without lights, often delivery services, won’t be reading this post and even if they did, wouldn’t care!

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