Reading Borough Council has £1.2m of government funding to create active travel (cycling and walking) schemes. Four schemes have been proposed but funding is unlikely to allow more than one to be built. You can read our comments on the design proposals for each of the proposed schemes here.
I’m a member of the West Berks Cancer Patient Partnership and I cycle from Woodley to the Berkshire Cancer Centre as necessary. I will also cycle weekly to the Royal Berks as soon as the Welcomer Service can restart. I welcome the speed humps on Palmer Park Avenue and the 20mph speed limit on Erleigh Road. I would be grateful if Reading could ask Wokingham why my journey is so unfriendly through Woodley and Earley. I’m particularly concerned about Give Way markings at all road junctions, and unsalted shared pavements on icy mornings. They make no sense when WBC’s heroes have salted the bus route.