If you were paying attention in early November, you may have seen local news coverage of a ‘Light up the Night’ bike ride where over 30 cyclists rode through town together after dark. We were all lit up like Christmas trees (figuratively in some cases and literally in others – several bikes were sporting fairy lights).
The point of the ride was threefold:
1. To highlight the benefit of being well lit.
2. To highlight the need for cycling infrastructure which is well lit (it’s a double whammy for female cyclists if cycle paths feel dark and deserted).
3. To have fun!
To further ensure that aim No. 3 was achieved, the end point for the ride was the Fisherman’s Cottage.

The ride took in some important landmarks, including the Oracle riverside (where we rode at walking pace around pedestrians who gave us lots of waves and smiles) and of course the completed parts of the new bike lane on Shinfield Road.
The ride was co-organised by Reading Cycle Campaign, Avanti and Kidical Mass Reading. I was grateful to the riders who helped us to hold the lane where it wasn’t safe for motorists to pass the group. Of course, most motorists were calm and friendly and waved as the group passed them. I think we were quite a festive sight!
At one point on the ride we heard a siren and saw blue lights behind us. We had managed to get all 30+ of us to the side of the road and out of the way before the cars behind us had managed to do the same. The ambulance breezed straight past us with a wave to the ride leader.
At the pub, we set the world to rights by chatting all things bikes. Many thanks to everyone who joined us – I hope we see you again next year!
Hilary Smart