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RCC Newsletter Autumn 2024


The Autumn 2024 RCC newsletter pdf is now downloadable from the Newsletters page, or you can also click on each article to read them separately.

In this issue we talk about:

RCC Reports on Delivery Riders

Many of the people using two wheels nowadays are delivery riders. 

Whether they are counted as cyclists or not will depend on what counts as being a bicycle, but lots of us use their services and probably even more of us have an opinion on them.  

In this issue we have tried to get a better insight into the world of the delivery rider and how the delivery platforms work. 

We spoke to three current or former delivery riders and you can read about their thoughts and experiences below.  

And, if you do want to know what counts as a being a bicycle, our Membership Secretary has reported on this as well.

RBC Autumn 2024 Report
WBC Autumn 2024 Report
WoBC Autumn 2024 Report
Chairman’s Letter Autumn 2024
Kidical Mass Autumn 2024 Report
Matt Touw’s Experiences and Ideas
A Man Called Claud
Michael’s View
Electric Bikes and the Law
Contacting Just Eat ad Deliveroo
Contact and campaign details, including advertising rates, are on the back page of the pdf and printed version.

The next issue is planned for December 2024. If you would like to contribute, please email the Editor as soon as possible (preferably by 1 November 2024) with your article or letter.

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