A Traffic Management Sub-Committee and a CAST (Cleaner Air and Safer Transport) forum have happened since my last report in February. In addition, a Redlands Road site meeting with RBC and others took place on 27 March.
Traffic Management Sub-Committee (TMSC) 2 March
The positive public consultation responses to the Station Subway proposed shared-use and the Castle Hill/Bath Road Cycle route were reported. Good news so far.
Cleaner Air and Safer Transport (CAST) 28 March
I made a presentation on Crossings for Pedestrians and Cyclists, raising the need for more and better crossings for all, and highlighting the need for low speeds with pedestrian and cyclist friendly environments, including raised hump crossings. There followed a lively and positive Q and A and comments session, with RBC officers agreeing to consider the many recommendations for policy reform. The list of recommendations is shown below.
What needs to change?
Policy to better consider pedestrians and cyclists
- All RBC Committee reports to have crossings considered within a Sustainable Transport Implications section.
- Reading developers guidance to be reviewed and made more pedestrian friendly.
- Dropped kerbs should be added where needed.
- Raised tables with sinusoidal or shallow ramps to be the recommended road hump and used more widely, such as at most road junctions.
- Zebra and other controlled crossings should be located where needed.
- Pedestrian delays at signals should be minimised.
- All-green pedestrian stages should be trialled.
Shinfield Road Active Travel Scheme Tranche 2
Site works have now started and most of the detailed design work is apparently complete. Despite reminders and promises, RBC has yet to provide us with the statutory signing proposals. Works are progressing slowly and without signing and full marking being added, which is adding to some confusion and dissatisfaction from users.
Bath Road and Castle Hill Active Travel Scheme Tranche 3
Following the public consultation and many comments made, RBC are to review some aspects of the design such as the parking area on Castle Hill and the IDR junction. We have yet to hear about any changes or further detailed design.
Redlands Road Area Traffic Calming
A site meeting with RBC councillors and officers and local residents took place on 27 March following the widespread criticism of the scheme and the Council’s promise to review the scheme further last year. It was generally agreed that many changes need to be made, including the chicanes and some of the speed cushions. Funding will need to be found to rectify the bad design! A lessons-learnt report by RBC might help prevent the same waste of resources in future schemes!?
Cycle Hub
We are still waiting to hear whether RBC has signed an agreement for the lease of the Cycle Hub in West Street. Will it still happen?
Vastern Road Roundabout Cyclist Collisions
The continued cyclists’ injuries at the junction were reported to the Cycle Forum. There has been no response from RBC.
Map and Lists of Improvements that Cyclists Want
Lists and a map of improvements that we want are on the RCC website. Thanks to Tony and Susan for their work on this. See the report on the front page.
Town Centre Signing and Routes
RBC has said that they are investigating the provision of missing and wrong signs that we have been campaigning about for many years. We have yet to hear what they are going to do!!
Got the Hump?

Speed humps have been high on our comments to RBC, triggered by the Redlands Road area traffic calming fiasco.
Many speed cushions appear to be steeper than the LTN 1/07 regulations allow, which is a 1 in 8 front gradient. With a recommended 3 inches high hump, maximum is 4 inches, the ramp would be 24-32 inches long. Steeper gradients damage motor vehicles as can be seen from the photo above, but for cyclists the discomfort and danger are our main concerns.
The hump pictured in Oakley Road has been notified to the RBC, who say it is the contractor’s responsibility. Does no-one check the works? Two months later no remedial action has been taken.
Check the humps that affect you and report them on FixMyStreet if they are too steep or otherwise problematic.
John Lee
RBC Campaigner for RCC