Cycling in Caversham Issues

Issues raised on walkabout by RCC 13 January 2018
  1. 20mph limit in central Caversham or all of Caversham is requested. Raised crossings and entry treatments both with contrasting surfacing should be provided to help slow traffic and give priority to pedestrians and cyclists.
  2. Route 5 through central Caversham needs improving near the precinct, providing dropped kerb and cutting the sharp corner.
  3. Route from the new Christchurch Bridge – widen path northbound to 3m, provide a cycle and pedestrian crossing at Gosbrook Road and remove obstacles by the gate; provide a shared path over Westfield Road recreation ground.
  4. Improve Lower Henley Road cycle lanes – details given to Cycle Forum.
  5. Improve Henley Road cycle lanes with double yellow lines to stop the increasing parking.
  6. Provide a pedestrian and cycle crossing over Gosbrook Road by Mill Road, either a refuge island or Zebra.
  7. Wolsey Road – poor road surface needs improving.
  8. Peppard Road has an advisory cycle lane for some of the road. This could be extended all the way to Emmer Green shops as the width is there. Get rid of or narrow the right-turn lane into Surley Row would create some space, at least for an uphill lane – is it really necessary to have this separate lane into a dead-end road?  Widen the road at the first crest of the road just north of the Prince of Wales – it narrows so much that it’s a hazard when drivers attempt to overtake there. Alternatively widen the footway and convert for a shared use path particularly for uphill cyclists.
  9. R41 Chiltern Road R41 – this is the local cycle route from Emmer Green to join with the R4. The surface on Chiltern Road is poor – cyclists like smooth tarmac. Signing of the route via the Horse Close is missing so cyclists use the footpath.
  10.  Cycle parking needed in Prospect Street, Caversham Precinct.

Notes of Walkabout attended by: Adele Barnett-Ward John Lee, Jeanette Jeans, Richard Denny

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