Castle Hill Cycle Lane

The tidal flow traffic lane that used to wash up and down the foot of Castle Hill on a daily basis has now been removed. The erstwhile central traffic lane used to change its direction for the morning rush hour, producing some level of confusion amongst drivers, who would need to check the time whilst avoiding oncoming traffic. Part of the road space that has been freed up has been replaced with a short section of cycle lane on the inbound (downhill) direction.
But this cycle lane is just an interim measure, and a relatively short one we hope. RBC intends to introduce segregated cycle lanes along both sides of Castle Hill and Bath Road as part of the next scheme to be constructed through the Active Travel Fund (ATF).

The Council has now just about completed the Shinfield Road ATF scheme, and in November members of the RCC rode the route accompanied by Reading’s Lead Councillor for Transport, John Ennis. We were keen to identify what elements work well and what elements could be improved; the objective being to make sure that any lessons are learnt before the Council finalises its plans for the Castle Hill/Bath Road scheme.
Annual General Meeting
In October we held our Annual General Meeting and appointed the RCC committee for the next 12 months. We are pleased to introduce three new members of the committee: Keith Collyer has taken on the vacant role of Membership Secretary, whilst Sam Hatfield and Kat Heath (well known for her involvement in Kidical Mass) join as co-opted members.
At the AGM we were delighted to welcome Councillor John Ennis, who became RBC’s Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport earlier this year. John emphasised his commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of transport in Reading and then took questions from attendees.
Questions touched on a number of issues and concerns, ranging from how active travel schemes are selected and evaluated, to whether cycle routes will be provided for the new River Academy School on Richfield Avenue.
In particular we were pleased that Councillor Ennis gave an under-taking to consult with the RCC on the Council’s proposed travel schemes. Early involvement will help ensure the best outcomes are achieved for cyclists, as well as helping RBC to realise its aim of increasing the proportion of journeys made by sustainable travel modes.
Reading’s Transport Strategy Out For Consultation
RBC’s new Transport Strategy to 2040 is out for consultation. Take a look back at our Autumn 2023 newsletter ( for a summary of the document. The consultation closes on 11 December.
Keith Elliott
RCC Secretary