Vastern Road Roundabout Improvements


Some suggested improvements by RCC after the spiral markings and improved stop lines have been added.

The Vastern Road arm is the most dangerous location but also the most difficult to deal with directly.

Napier Road

Widen and raise the cycle and pedestrian crossing, to slow traffic and give cyclists and pedestrians a better chance of crossing. Additionally, make the crossing a raised shared zebra crossing.

Station and car-park access

Make both of the crossing points closer to the roundabout, which is the desire line for cyclists and pedestrians. Reduce the car-park exit road to one lane leading onto the roundabout.

Also, widen the hatching between the bus-lane and traffic lane on the road into the station, providing a mid-point refuge.

George Street – Reading Bridge

Reduce the lanes over the centre of Reading Bridge to one southbound to reduce speeding and overtaking. Provide a wider central island with slightly raised contrasting surface crossing points. Additionally, provide a zebra crossing linking the island.

Vastern Road

Reduce the speed of traffic by making addition ‘destination’ road markings and colouring pedestrian and cycle crossing surfaces to ‘break up’ the expanse of black tarmac.

Consider moving the crossing closer to the roundabout. Also consider changing the length of bus lane or providing a bus-gate at the signals.


Reduce circulating lanes to a maximum of two by merging the exit lane onto Napier Road. Provide a traffic camera so that any collisions can be studied.

Station subway

Allow the shared use by cycles.

John Lee, RBC Campaigner for RCC

3 thoughts on “Vastern Road Roundabout Improvements

  1. Ambitious suggestions for safety improvements, thanks. What chance RBC will implement all of them, or any? I was recently told that Christchurch Bridge is for cyclists and I shouldn’t be cycling on Reading Bridge!!

    1. Hi Richard,

      Can you say who ‘told’ you this? In particular was this anybody from the Council?

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