West Berkshire Council

WBC Autumn Report 2022


Pangbourne Approach to Whitchurch Bridge

WBC report imageCyclists who ride across Whitchurch Bridge from Pangbourne to Whitchurch will know that there is a blind bend which can make it hazardous for cyclists and the very narrow pavement makes it particularly hazardous for pedestrians.

A significant milestone was achieved recently towards improving the safety on the narrow, curved approach road to the toll bridge on the Pangbourne side of the river. Two Whitchurch Councillors, Jim Donahue and Frances Parkes, crossed the river and put forward a motion at a meeting of Pangbourne Parish Council.

The approach road is owned by the Bridge Company, while West Berkshire Council is the Highways Authority. Efforts over the last ten or more years to have the hazardous conditions improved have not resulted in any action.

The Whitchurch motion was approved by Pangbourne Parish Council. A small Cross-River Working Group is now to be set up, with representatives from Pangbourne, Whitchurch and WBC.

Jim Donahue explains that the formal approach to Pangbourne Parish Council follows discussions he initiated with a West Berks councillor and with the Pangbourne & Whitchurch Sustain-ability group (PAWS). A West Berks engineer has now re-appraised the 2016 report by Peter Brett Associates.

The aim is to secure support for hiring consultants to develop one of the options studied, which are to widen the road on one side or the other, or to introduce a chicane and local widening. The alternative concept of a raised footway through the trees has not been ruled out.

Collecting evidence of hazardous conditions is important and any incidents should be reported in detail to Councillor Frances Parkes at cllrparkes.whitchurchonthames@gmail.com or 07867 009 614. Data will be kept securely and in line with GDPR.

Rob Hill
WBC Campaigner for RCC

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