RBC Campaigner Winter 2017 Report


The Cycle Forum and the Traffic Management Sub-Committee (TMSC) were both attended by RCC representatives. The Cycle Forum consists of RBC Councillors, cycling representatives and Reading Council officers. An agenda is normally agreed a few days before the meeting, but there is also an Any Other Business slot if time allows.

Items include reports on progress from RBC or related matters of interest, and items raised by RCC and other attendees. The TMSC is a more formal Council committee where RCC and others may speak in advance of agenda items if we request to.

Cycle Forum 25 October

NCN422 update – Stage 1 through Southcote from the West Berks boundary to Berkeley Avenue is nearly completed. Stage 2 along Berkeley Avenue and through The Oracle is due to start in November. Stage 3 is still being designed and RCC have not yet been able to make comments on the detailed designs.

Thames Path – the proposals from RBC for the formal consultations are to follow after full consideration by them of all objections to the public consultation.

Operation Close Pass – the operations by West Midlands and Hampshire police forces were discussed, where motorists were targeted by police for passing too close when passing cyclists. These attracted local and national press and TV coverage. RBC and RCC will try to encourage Thames Valley police to carry out a similar operation.

Educating Cyclists – the bad impact on all cyclists of poor and illegal cycling was considered. The need for more cyclist education including the Highway Code was noted as requiring future actions.

Watlington Street to Napier Road – a continuation of the Watlington Road cycle route through to Forbury Road and beyond was tabled by RCC for RBC to consider.

Lower Henley Road – RBC was willing to consider the proposed improvements to the Lower Henley Road cycle lanes; RCC sent their suggestions.

Vastern Road Roundabout – this location is the worst for cyclists in Reading. Now RBC was aware of the ongoing problem they will be considering improvements, probably in conjunction with the proposed adjacent development. The collision statistics have since been sent to RCC for comment and suggestions, which have now been done.

Town Centre signing – the lack of progress on legal signing corrections was noted by RCC, particularly as it is unclear where cyclists may ride in many locations.

TMSC 2 November

Petitions for pedestrian crossings – there were petitions for two crossings in Caversham, a welcome move in the pressure against motor vehicle domination.

Cow Lane bridge – the roadworks are now in progress and should be completed by July. The Oxford Road study will then be reconsidered when the bridge is open.

LCWIP – a Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan will be developed in future, something that RCC will be contributing to.

Approval of the report from the Cycle Forum.

John Lee

RBC Campaigner for RCC

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