Reading Lion

RBC Autumn 2024 Report


Very little seems to have happened in Reading since my last report, or even throughout the previous year!

Shinfield Road Active Travel Scheme Tranche 2

Site works have stopped, awaiting additional government funding. The signals with ASLs (advance stop lines) and an early start for cyclists are supposed to be implemented at the end of the works.

RCC still has a number of concerns with the scheme, including the university entrance area, sideroads and the bus stop areas.

There is no action apparent on making improvements. The segregated shared-path signs and all of the surface markings are still not completed!

Cycle Hub

RBC are still looking for alternatives.

Bath Road and Castle Hill Active Travel Scheme Tranche 3

No news, latest plans awaited.

Station Subway – Shared Path Route

The subway is planned to open before the Reading Festival.

Redlands Road Area Traffic Calming

There has still been no action to improve the poor traffic calming humps and chicanes, despite RBC’s agreement to make some improvements there.

Town Centre Signing and Routes

There are still a few signs to be provided, in particular the important ones in Town Hall Square. It is unclear what the delays are.

Cleaner Air and Safer Transport (CAST)

The last meeting on 2 July had various reports. Unfortunately, RBC response on the issue of crossings policy was not ready, but should be for the next meeting on 3 September.

London – It Can Be Done

A recent visit to London showed some good segregated cycle tracks and also 20mph on most roads including the main Euston Road and underpass.

When will Reading put a 20mph limit in central Caversham or the Oxford Road, let alone the IDR!?

John Lee
RBC Campaigner for RCC

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