RBC Winter 2021 Report


With the latest Coronavirus Lockdown, the traffic levels should be closer to the low levels of last April. However, familiarity with restrictions will probably not keep so many at home!  Still, there should be more incentive for us to cycle for essential purposes and for exercise, particularly with quieter roads.

Active Travel Pop-up Cycle Schemes Tranche 1

Any comments about the ‘quick to implement’ first tranche of the Active Travel schemes would be welcome by RCC. Please send us copies of your comments to RBC too. We are passing comments to RBC and expect to have an opportunity to discuss these with them in the next couple of months.  We understand that some funding should be available for improvements.

Tranche 2 Schemes

Some segregated cycle track schemes are apparently currently being prepared for tranche 2.  Consultation with RCC and others should be taking place by the end of March 2021. As RBC did not obtain funding for the full list of schemes that they submitted, we hope to help RBC choose the most appropriate schemes to progress.

The Southampton Street crossing of the IDR to the Oracle, and Castle Hill, are my preferred priorities. Two lengths of bus and cycle lane on London Road, either side of Cemetery Junction, are included within the proposals, but to me, these are really part of the park and ride bus priority and should not receive cycle funding.  If road-space is available this should be for two-way cycle tracks.


The next Cycle Forum meeting will be in February and the CAST (Cleaner Air and Safer Transport) meeting is likely to be in early March, so we will make our representations. If we receive any draft plans prior to the meetings, we’ll aim to circulate them to ensure maximum consideration.

John Lee
RBC Coordinator for RCC

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