Newsletter through door

Spring 2023 Newsletter


The Spring 2023 RCC newsletter pdf is now downloadable from the Newsletters page, or you can also click on each article to read them separately.

In this issue we talk about:

Reading Green Park Station – Too Many Cooks?
RBC Spring Report 2023
WBC Spring Report 2023
WoBC Spring Report 2023
Chairman’s Letter Spring 2023
Kidical Mass Spring Report
Redlands Road Area Traffic Calming
Highway Code Cycle Signing
Extra News Items
Interview with Kat Heath

Contact and campaign details, including advertising rates, are on the back page of the pdf and printed version.

The next issue is planned for June 2023. If you would like to contribute, please email the Editor as soon as possible (preferably before the end of April 2023) with your article or letter.

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