Reading Lion

RBC Winter 2024/25 Report


Although there is strong support for cycling at Reading Borough Council, the lack of funding for schemes remains an issue. Most funding is through Government grants which are linked to specific major schemes, meaning that there is little if any funding available for smaller schemes.

The new Government has announced additional funding for Active Travel schemes as part of the recent budget, but we don’t yet know how these funds are to be allocated.

RBC is funding measures to support Active Travel, including the Active Travel officer post, adult cycle training, bike maintenance events, cycle security/parking enhancements and the Reading Cycle Festival. 

Shinfield Road

Just over half of the planned scheme has been completed, but there has been no further progress due to funding issues. It’s not presently clear how or when the scheme is to be finished. The outstanding design issues that we have previously identified have yet to be addressed.

Recently, there have been problems with flooding at a number of points along the route, which makes it very difficult for cyclists to use. It is unclear whether this is a maintenance issue due to blocked drains, or is more of a fundamental design issue, but we have raised this with RBC.

Station Subway

The revamped station subway, which now allows shared use with cyclists and pedestrians, was opened at the end of August. This is a good news item as it provides an attractive and direct cycle route away from heavily trafficked roads around the station. There are some minor works around the coffee vans still to be completed but the approach on the north side of the station has been signed. RBC is presently looking at the route south of the station, including cycle facilities on Greyfriars Road, which would complete a route between the station and town centre.   

KIngs Meadow Bridge

RBC has recently replaced the narrow bridge on the Thameside path/NCN5 next to Caversham Lock with a much wider bridge that is far better suited to the numbers of walkers and cyclists using this section of path.

Redlands Road Traffic Calming

No progress with improving the poorly designed traffic calming measures on this well used cycle route.

Town Centre Signing

No further progress with installing signing to identify cycle routes across the town centre.

Cycle Hub

RBC remain committed to the scheme but are looking for a suitable town centre location.

A4 Bath Road/Castle Hill

The design of this major (£2.3m) scheme is being reviewed and local Councillors updated.

Bus Lane Schemes

RBC has secured Government funding to introduce six bus lane schemes, which are aimed at improving bus service reliability at locations where buses are presently caught up in congestion. Three of the schemes have been introduced to date, one of which (Oxford Road just west of the town centre) includes additional measures for cyclists beyond sharing use of the bus lane. We would welcome any comments from members about these schemes.

Christchurch Green Junction and Queens Road/Sidmouth Street Junction

RBC has been awarded Government Active Travel Fund 4 funding to develop designs for improvements at these two junctions. We have made comments on possible designs for the Christchurch Green junction, which would link to the Shinfield Road cycle scheme.

River Academy

The Council’s Active Travel Officer has been working with the new school and feeder primary schools to promote active travel to the new school. A Tiger crossing has been introduced on Richfield Avenue to support those travelling to the school from the south.

Additional measures will be introduced based on schemes identified through the travel planning process. The travel planning process for the school has been rated by Ofsted as ‘outstanding’.   

Station Hill Development

This development scheme will include a direct link between the station and Friar Street, which will be open to cyclists as well as pedestrians. The new link is presently being finalised and should open shortly. 

SEC Site Vastern Road

Construction work at the former Southern Electric site has just started. This development will include a new shared walking and cycling route between Christchurch Bridge and Vastern Road, although this is not quite the direct link we hoped for.

Norman Insurance Site Vastern Road

RCC was invited to pre-application discussions with the developers of this site. We are pleased that the development scheme includes proposals to widen and improve both the Thameside path/NCN5 fronting the site as well as the link to Vastern Road that crosses the site, which would enhance the route between Caversham and Reading station via Christchurch Bridge. The planning application for this site will be considered by the Council shortly.

Future Meetings with RBC

The next Clean Air and Sustainable Transport forum (CAST) meeting is on 30th Nov, with a further meeting in April 2025.

The next Cycle Forum is planned for early February 2025. These are public meetings, so we welcome RCC members to come along, although we will let members know of any updates.

Tony Carr
RBC Campaigner for RCC

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