The Winter 2024/25 RCC newsletter pdf is now downloadable from the Newsletters page, or you can also click on each article to read them separately.
In this issue we talk about:
Cycling Should Be For Everyone

Since our strap line is ‘working for a cycle-friendly Reading’, we think that cycling should be accessible for all.
In this issue we take a look at the challenges presented by infrastructure which has not been designed with all cyclists in mind.
We also report on specialist bike loans for people with disabilities (Charlotte’s Tandems) and the free training provided by Avanti Cycling to get more adults out on their bikes.
Kidical Mass tries out the recent bridge and tunnel improvements in Reading, and, of course, we have the usual round up of what is (or is not) happening in Reading, West Berks and Wokingham boroughs.
RBC Winter 2024/25 Report
WBC Winter 2024/25 Report
WoBC Winter 2024/25 Report
Kidical Mass Winter 2024/25 Report
Chairman’s Letter Winter 2024/25
A Low Traffic Future for Reading?
Cycling as a Mum
Charlotte’s Tandems
New Cycleway Out of Reading Being Planned
Learning Cycle Skills and Confidence
Contact and campaign details, including advertising rates, are on the back page of the pdf and printed version.
The next issue is planned for March 2025. If you would like to contribute, please email the Editor as soon as possible (preferably by 1 February 2025) with your article or letter.